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Caribbean Cleanup

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Environment Pollution

5.25 Trillion Pieces

Trash in the ocean

Waste Management

269,000 Tons

Garbage floating on the surface

Trash on Beach

17.6 Billion Pounds

Plastic we dump in the ocean annually

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Welcome! Learn more about our efforts

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Beach Cleanups

On big coastal cleanups and hurricane relief, we have already risen to the challenge and are working hard to implement creative solutions to remove plastic pollutants and harmful contaminants from our beaches. Our main effort focuses on stopping the source of the trash that washes up on our shorelines.

Ocean Cleanups

Our ocean clean up efforts are led by an experienced team that know how to identify problem areas and understand their origin. We are dedicated to solving this growing problem and the negative impact it has on our oceans and our own lives.

Building A Community

When we come together on a common goal, bonds and friendships are formed and we join the communities we serve. We put the impoverished in family-supporting jobs and have made lasting relationships as we continue to expand this joint effort.

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Our Mission

To educate under developed countries on the importance of proper waste management practices. Work to rid our oceans and coastlines of plastics, marine debris and other waste to improve our environment, economy and our health.

Our Vision

A world free from waste. Clean waters for our families and marine life. A planet full of wonderful people that came together to make a difference and succeeded.

Focus Statement

     When it comes to taking care of our planet, we know the world wants to help! The planet’s most valuable resources are at risk. Together, we have come up with a way we can start addressing the growing problems that will eventually fall into our lap, whether we like it or not.


     Billions of dollars in tourism help ocean dependent Caribbean countries sustain family supporting jobs.  With trash on the beaches, plastics in our oceans, very limited resources and funding, the economic impact has been devastating.  Impoverished conditions, starvation and government restrictions further their hardship.  Over 50% of Latino families in Central America live in poverty with no hope or opportunity to provide for their families and they need our help.  The ongoing problem has left families panicked. Caravans of people gather by the tens of thousands to flee the horrible conditions in search of jobs and sanctuary.  Many are heading to Mexico, hoping to eventually make it to the United States.  With illegal immigration becoming a larger issue in the southern states, it is imperative we try to create sustainable living for our neighboring countries to the south.  Well, how do we do that?

Sea Pollution

     The obvious answer would be job creation for Central America’s poorest countries.  Our main focus at is cleaning our beaches, oceans and natural waterways.  The worldwide concern for our earth is growing at an alarming rate.  We look to be the very first entity that gets to the root of the problem and not entertain temporary solutions.  Our plan shuts off the main source of plastics and harmful contaminants coming from rivers and waterways so we can effectively make a difference when removing existing plastics.  Our team is accepting donations that put local, Central American workers in family supporting jobs, clearing these pristine coastline beaches and trash from our oceans.  Too many times have we seen short-sighted initiatives with millions of dollars in expensive equipment, only to fall short of any lasting impact.

     Our goal is sustainability.  We are going to provide job fulfillment while simultaneously creating opportunity for development on some of the most beautiful water front property the world has to offer.  We want to boost local economies and invest in a population that is extremely effective when combined with a very eager and affordable Central American workforce.  With that, comes growth, an increase in tourism and a chance for families to provide and prosper within their own borders.  All the while, we are cleaning our planet! 

     With supply chain shortages in North America, we should be open to a future partnership with the Central American workforce.  Illegal immigration costs the American taxpayers a mind-boggling 134.9 billion annually according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a Washington D.C. nonprofit. Thats $1,156.00 for each tax payer annually. With those kinds of numbers, it makes sense to look towards an actual solution.  We are the only non-profit set to achieve this goal.  With our efforts to get to the source of the pollution problem, we can curb the immigration problem at the same time.  We can create a clean environment where Central Americans can support their families in their own countries and find peace with the places they call home.  If funded, it is an opportunity that could save billions in tax dollars.  Sizable caravans amassing in southern Mexico, looking to flee poverty and lack of employment, gives the situation great urgency. 






     Our organizers work closely with local officials to allocate waste locations in existing landfills and creating new locations with up to date, waste management standards that allows us to re-use over 50% of the waste collected.  In our efforts, we have found eco-friendly ways to reuse the plastics we clean from our waters and have developed a plan to make bio-diesel fuel from the waste.  We make it a point to encourage trash receptacles on the beaches and rivers.  More than that, we look to educate people in proper waste management practices in order to protect future generations from problems far worse than the ones we are facing today. 


     Many other organizations have begun to remove plastic from our oceans.  The largest and most well known cleanup effort has raised more than 20 million dollars per year over the last 10 years.  In terms of waste removed, they have just surpassed the 2 million kg mark in a 10 year span and in this time, they have built a $51 million asset portfolio.  An estimated 33 billion pounds of harmful plastics are deposited into our oceans every year.  In order to put the problem in perspective, they have removed less than 6% of the ocean’s daily intake over that entire period.  Although it is much needed, we view this as a frivolous effort and look toward an actual solution.

     With an appropriate budget and only 1000 local workers, we could meet that number in less than 1 year and simultaneously develop a solution through education and proper waste management practices. Our goal is simple: to grow into one of the largest non-profit initiatives in the United States with the help of our neighbors to the South.  We plan to keep families together in Central America, giving alternative ways to avoid dangerous migration in search of work.  Our pilot program will start on the Motagua River and Las Vacas tributary between Honduras and Guatemala.  These 2 waterways account for 3.7% of the world's ocean pollution and we intend to stop it where it starts.

     Marine life and Caribbean economies are in grave danger and require us to act now before it is too late.  By organizing this into a global effort, we can make a difference.  With small donations from people like you, people who are aware of the problem, we can effectively protect the Earth’s most precious resources and give a way for locals to provide for themselves and their families.  Friends and family can visit us today at



The Caribbean Clean Up Team


"Healthy Children, Healthy Animals, Healthy Planet... Healthy Future"

   is a “green” job creation program that puts impoverished people in family supporting jobs, all while cleaning up the environment!  We are a division of Hands For Honduras, Inc, a 501(c)3 from Wisconsin.  Our plan is one that can be implemented in any city or country towards a real solution.

      We invite you to join our non-profit and partner with a total solution to one of the world's largest problems.  By organizing this into a global effort, we can make a difference.  Together,  we can efficiently protect the Earth’s most precious resources and give a way for locals to provide for themselves and their families. 



How Does It Work?

   Saying the beaches of the Caribbean are beautiful would be a definite understatement. With plastics and trash washing up at an alarming rate, looks to organize clean ups to restore our oceans and pristine beach fronts. Our team of volunteers are working to make an impact!

   One of our main goals is raising awareness about the harm that can come from trash and plastics thrown into the river ways that eventually run out into our oceans. From allocating waste locations, helping marine life and funding family supporting jobs to local Central American workers, we maximize all donations towards the effort. We have made lasting relationships up and down the coastline which makes it easy to assemble crews, cost effectively, due to the low labor rates in the area.

   Vast amounts of income need to be raised to solve this problem. Funds raised not only help clean the waterways but puts locals to work to help support their families. Marine life and Caribbean economies are in grave danger and require us to act now before it's too late.

   Shawn Jacobson is one of our Founders and Head of Operations in our clean up efforts. Shawn has dedicated his life to making a difference. With his vast knowledge of the Caribbean, he will help navigate us toward the same common goal: save our seas.

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